pinky violence on onfray

By gracing the recording session with her uxorious naked presence, the atmosphere of salaciousness that already hovered over the Teichiku studio thickened to an oozing, sensual fug. Ike’s vocals breathe with an astonishing naturalness, dripping honeyed and golden-tongued into the ears with angelic ease. The contrast to her on-screen bad-ass presence is equally startling. With a microphone in her hand instead of a naked blade, Ike is transformed into a silver-toned, smooth-sounding and sonorously sweet-flowing nymph. Her erotic presence flutters across a multitude of erogenous non-verbal modes - moaning and uttered shrieks of ecstatic pleasure, sibilating suffocated whispers of excitement, and grunting and growling like a bitch in heat. When Ike does sing, it is in a subdued, husky voice about sex, submissive love and seduction.

No programa de 22 de Abril, Ike Reiko e o seu álbum Kokotsu no Sekai de 1971, revelou-se a perfeita banda sonora para a lição sobre Montaigne do contra-historiador da filosofia Michel Onfray!

  • Montaigne ne s’aime pas

  • D’où : écriture de soi pendant 20 ans (Sep. 1572 à sa mort : 1592)

  • Petit sexe

  • Impuissance

  • Digestions, coliques, calculs rénaux

  • Médiocrités intellectuelles

  • Indigences corporelles

  • Le péché mortel ? Mettre le corps en scène philosophique

  • Exorcisme pour apprendre à s’aimer

  • Composer avec l’indigne d’être aimé

  • Le projet de se peindre ?

  • Ni narcissisme, égotisme (lecture morale)

  • Mais construction d’une juste estime de soi (lecture généalogique)

  • Doute d’être aimable

  • Veut le devenir d’abord pour lui-même

  • Entre excès chrétien de la haine de soi

  • Et amour immodéré de soi

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