de temporum fine parodia

Conteúdo da paródia:

Carl Orff - "Opse theu g'aleusi myloi"+"Cho - neuso gar hapanta kai"+"Vae, vae ibunt, ibunt"+"Upote, maepote..."+"Unus solus deus ab aeterno" (De temporum fine comoedia) 1973
Current93 & Andrew Liles - "Christus Christus (The Shells Have Cracked)" (Dogs Blood Ascending: a remix by Andrew Liles) 2008
Emit - "Herald The Dawn With Your Offerings" (A Sword of Death for the Prince) 2005
Carl Orff - "Wann endet die Zeit?" (De temporum fine comoedia) 1973
Enbilulugugal - "Return to Hellrokken GoatSex" (Noizemongers for GoatSerpent) 2004
Olivier Messiaen - V. Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus (Quatuor pour la fin du temps) 1941
Giuseppe Verdi - Dies Irae (Requiem) 1974
Carl Orff - "Pater peccavi" (De temporum fine comoedia) 1973
Current93 & Andrew Liles - "From Broken Cross, Locusts" (Dogs Blood Ascending) 2008
Current93 - "I Have A Special Plan For This World" (I Have A Special Plan For This World) 2000
Carl Orff - "Con sublima spiritualità" (De temporum fine comoedia) 1973
Enbilulugugal - "Raped by Mammoth" (Noizemongers for GoatSerpent) 2004
Studio der Frühen Musik - "Baron De Mon Dan Covit" (Musik des Mittlealters) 1978

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